Mobile Surveillance Expand package Prerequisite:Mobile Surveillance Base package Warranty:None Supported: -Passenger Counting by Vehicles or Sites
Virtual Guard Service; Prerequisite: HCRG Basic Service,HCP VSS Base License or HCC video; Supported:; -Validity Period: 12 Months; Virtual Guard Service : support schedule a video patrol task and excute with SOPs, video patrol with PTZ control, two images comparision , two way audio with camera and so on.
Mobile Surveillance Expand package Prerequisite:Mobile Surveillance Base package Warranty:None Supported: -Passenger Counting by Vehicles or Sites
"Mobile Surveillance Expansion package. Prerequisite: Mobile Surveillance Base package.. Supported: 1 mobile device unit manageable."
Mobile Surveillance Base package-Including prerequisites for device unit expanding, all fundamental features of mobile surveillance system and 10 device units manageable. Supported: 3 years free SUP, Real-time location on GIS MAP, Vehicles tracking, Route playback, Live view and playback, Health...
Radar Unit Expansion package - including all functions of Radar module and 1 Radar manageble.Prerequisite:Video Surveillance Base package.Supported:Radar calibration, Set linkage bewteen doom & radar, Receive event & alarm from radar, Show people's trajectories on the map,etc.