HikCentral-P- SUP-Package/3Y
Software remote upgrade service in 3 years when beyond free SUP period (36 months)
AID Channel Expansion package- including all functions of Alarms for AID devices. Prerequisite:AID Module Expansion package Supported:1 AID channel and AID Alarms
Software remote upgrade service in 3 years when beyond free SUP period (36 months)
Under Vehicle Surveillance System Module Expansion package - including all functions of UVSS module and 4 UVSSs manageable. Prerequisite:Video Surveillance Base package.Supported:UVSS Monitoring and Operation, Vehicle List Management, UVSS records Search,etc.
Emergency mustering module which helps account for all the persons when a emergency happens. Prerequisite: Access Control Base Package Supported: Emergency response plan configuration (entrance/exit/mustering points, doors on escape routes, emergency counting group), emergency...
Time and Attendance Module Expansion package - including all functions of time and attendance module.Prerequisite:Access Control Base package.Supported:Shift management,Attendance report,Attendence records and handing,Synchronize data to Third-Party Database,etc.